Saturday, January 5, 2008

Routine?? What routine??

Okay.. so I did have my oldest son Bryce on a routine. It was the best thing ever. His naps and eating were scheduled down to the minute almost and I could plan my day and activities around that. Well... I made a BIG mistake. The other night he was very hyper; so in trying to be the "fun mom", I let him stay up WAY past his bedtime (midnight). I know, I know...all you moms out there in bloggerland are shaking your head and thinking, "Duh! What did you think was going to happen?!"

Well I have learned my lesson. I tried to put him to bed two different times only to hear wailing and screaming and toys hitting the wall. Whoa is me. I mean whoa is US.. My husband and I were trying to do some "sprucing" of our house and now we have to sit up and watch Mickey Mouse. Oh well, there are worse things in life.

I will not make the "fun mom" mistake again. Scouts honor!

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