Saturday, January 19, 2008

Just when you thought you'd seen it all...

On my way home from the grocery store tonight I saw the most um...let's just say interesting thing. I'm driving and minding my own business when an outrageous vehicle catches my attention. It was dark outside so this was obviously a pretty crazily colored vehicle to say the least.. Anyhow, as I drive closer I see something... no way, it CAN'T be..surely not...oh yes! IT IS! A truck with a vinyl sticker THE ENTIRE SIZE OF THE TRUCK of dog poop! Yep, you heard me.... DOG POOP! My mind is going nuts trying to figure out if this is some type of joke. Sure enough--it wasn't. It's an actual company...endorsed by the Better Business Bureau no less. A few things that I see on the truck are, "Scoopin' poop since 1988," "Too pooped to scoop? call us!" Wow, our society has reached a new form of weird. Someone actually made a business of scooping dog poop out of people's yards? And I sit here struggling with a business idea that would actually be successful?? Who would have ever believed that business would survive?

Want to hear the best part? Go to their website and you can actually buy merchandise to "sport" your support for the poop gatherers... shirts that say such things as, "God Poop?" Wow, pretty sure that statement tee will end up on What Not To Wear.

Well, kudos to them for having found a business that thrives--on the feces of an animal.

People, please humor me and go to this website--I laughed so hard I thought I might tinkle my panties (TMI I know--just being honest).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA!!! That's hilarious!!!

"Yes, Pet Butler really is #1 in the "#2" business!"

and I love the sticker:
"Friends don't let friends scoop poop!"

This is too funny! Thanks for the laugh!
