Friday, December 7, 2007

The stress of Motherhood

I feel like such a heel even posting I am feeling the stresses of motherhood. Sometimes I just want to pull my hair out! I attempted to go grocery shopping today. Bryce is at Mother's Day Out (which is a lifesaver!) and I took Britton with me to the store. I hardly got in the door when Britton started fussing. I tried putting the pacifier in his mouth---didn't work. He kept getting louder and louder. I felt an immediate panic attack coming as people were staring at me. I normally handle this very well but this has been such a stressful week...I felt the tears coming on. I wanted to throw the biggest grown-up fit you've ever seen. Not just because my child was crying ( come on- I'm a big girl, I can handle that) but more so because it was the straw that broke the camels back. I just left my cart and walked out of the store.

Don't get me wrong, my children are a blessing from the Lord---but there are times when throwing a fit just seems appropriate. I'm sure all you mom's can relate.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have had a moment like that in Target with Steven. Nothing seemed to calm him down. I felt like I could feel the eyes of every stranger burning a hole in me. As they say, it gets easier with time. And it does! I attempted to take the boys to the Galleria to see Santa. ALL BY MYSELF!! Secretly, it was a disaster. But it was the time I spent with them that was worth it! And the nap they got in the car on the way home (Thank God!).