Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Ahh the joys of being a girl. Today I got a haircut! I was so excited because I haven't had one in three months--it was much needed. I love getting haircuts. Mainly because my best friend is also my hairdresser. She is fabulous and does amazing work. You would think that getting a haircut would be a simple process right? WRONG! I had to schedule it. Not with Annie mind you but with my husband. It's a lengthy process. My apt. was at 11am..Victor had to be at work at 12. So, I had to get up at 7:30, bathe both boys, pack the diaper bag, pick out their outfits(complete with diaper, socks and shoes), iron them and lay them out. I do all of this because my husband gets overwhelmed sometimes when I'm not here so I try to make his job as easy as possible.

As I am sitting in the chair waiting for my color to process--in walks my husband with my children. He was dropping them with me so he could go to work. I look down, and my son doesn't have on socks or shoes!! I turn to my husband looking for an explanation and his reply is, "Oh, I forgot." Are you kidding me??!! They were laying on TOP of his outfit. How could he not see them?! It's hilarious... he tries so hard. My poor husband.

I'll give him props because he does do a great job...I'm thankful for him. Even if my kids never match!

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