Saturday, December 29, 2007


We tried a new look with Bryce's hair one morning....I think it was a success!! He looks so cute!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Me and Daddy..


He is SOO cute!

Morning Mommy!

In between moves when Victor and I lived with my parents--Bryce, Victor and I all shared the same bedroom. One of the best (and only) things about that was that Bryce slept in his crib right next to our bed. Every morning he would wake up and just peep over his crib and stare at us waiting for one of us to wake up.

Sleep Tight...

My little sleeping angel...

A trip to Daddy's work...

I took Bryce to visit Daddy at his work. Daddy is so proud of Bryce! He loves to show him off!

Playing with the water hose..

This was Bryce's first time playing with the water hose! he loved it!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007


These pics were taken on New Year's Day 2007--the day we found out we were pregnant with Britton! We went to dinner at Eric and Chrystal's house that night.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My family...

Here is a picture of my dad with Shelby and Savannah. I love my dad...he is the greatest man. A real cowboy!! Here is me and my mom! I love you Moggie!

Victor and Bryce!

Sister Sue!

Poopy day...literally

Well, this has to be one of the worst days I've had in a while.. here is how it started..

I wake up this morning to a MOUND of laundry to do. I have to help my husband get out the door to work--he was running late which generally adds more stress than needed. My nieces stayed the night last night and my oldest niece- Shelby informs me that she needs to be at the movie theatre by 12:30 because her Sunday school class is seeing a movie today...when she tells me this it's 11:56. Great! So, I rush around the house, pack the diaper bag, dress the baby--then I go into the living room to get Bryce out of the playpen and I smell something---then, I see something!! It's poop! And it's all over the playpen, and all over Bryce! He had dug into his diaper and played with his poop. I threw myself on the couch and screamed with a pillow over my face to release some of the tension. My nieces laughed because they thought it was funny...guess I'd laugh too if I was 8 and 11 years old.

So I get him cleaned up and change his clothes--by this time it's 12:15. I throw the kids in the car( not literally--don't call CPS!) and rush down the road. I had been driving for 5 minutes when I hear and beeping noise. It's my temp. gage in my car and it's WAY overheated! It is making weird noises and not wanting to run. I pull over in the Hobby Lobby parking lot and I was stuck. There I was, no bra, no deodorant, in my PJ's and smeared mascara under my eyes. I was a wreck! I was sitting there in the heat, no air with my kids screaming trying to figure out what I was going to do.

My mom saved the day. She came and got us and Shelby made it to the movies on time. My car is still broken down.. not sure what is wrong with it or what it is going to cost to fix it. My first instinct is to be angry...but, all is well and the Lord has seen us through another "poopy" day!

Girls just wanna have fun!

These are my two neices! The two coolest girls in the whole world! I am very close to them and love them very much! Here is when we dolled them up to go to school. They are wearing my clothes, headbands, jewelry and shoes!

Sweet boy...

Aren't these precious? He was so little then! I miss his chubby cheeks!


Okay, so I know these pictures that I am posting are really old but I just got them onto my computer so I want to share.. so, bare with me as we go back in time a bit!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

First tooth!!!!

Britton has his first tooth!! I saw it peeking through the other night.. how cute!! That would explain all the fussiness lately. I'll post pictures later.

Monday, December 17, 2007


Can I cry right now???

I have the worst headache ever. I could hardly see when I got out of bed...both my kids were screaming....and my husband tells me to have a great day as we walks out the door to work....whatever.

Pray for me. I feel like crawling back into bed for the day.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Random thoughts for the day...

"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you."

"The Bible opens and closes with a wedding."

"Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real."

Older pics...

Here are some pictures from Haloween. We went to our church's Fall Festival. It was alot of fun. Many of our couple friends have babies the same age as our kiddos. Hadley is the little girl in the pictures. She is my friend Tara's was cute to see them all dressed up together! That one is of Bryce and Hadley. Bryce was dressed up as a Lion! Roar!!

Here Bryce is getting a hug from Hadley!! Cute!

Aww..Hadley is giving Britton a kiss! Isn't she precious?! Britton was a pumpkin!

Me and my hubby! Isn't he a hunk?!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Words to live by...

"Out of love for her children, a mom will use daily opportunities to equip them for a whole and holy life. She will be diligent."

"Sometimes I wonder--what kind of an example am I leaving my children? What will they write on my tombstone or say about me after I'm gone?...Hopefully my epitaph will read something like this: 'She hated folding laundry but like to fold us in her arms.'" Dena Dyer

"I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life." Abraham Lincoln

"The imprint of the mother remains forever on the life of the child."

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Not alot to say today..nothing interesting anyway.

Went to the mall today and took the boys (why do I do that again?) . I end up asking myself that everytime. I attempt to go because I so badly need to get out of the house. I guess I really can't complain. I wouldn't like sitting in a stroller for 3 hours either. But we got to stop by Daddy's store and say hello to him...that was fun.

Anyhow, I hope everyone is happy and healthy! Christmas is almost here! Yippie! I have so many things to be thankful for.

God is good!
Love you guys.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

First Haircut!!

These are pictures from Bryce's first haircut! He's such a big boy! Victor and I took him to Cool Cuts Salon at ToysRus. He did pretty good...they put them in these little cars and they watch a movie while they get their hair cut. Adorable! Isn't he handsome?! I think so!

Watch out I come!


Ahh the joys of being a girl. Today I got a haircut! I was so excited because I haven't had one in three months--it was much needed. I love getting haircuts. Mainly because my best friend is also my hairdresser. She is fabulous and does amazing work. You would think that getting a haircut would be a simple process right? WRONG! I had to schedule it. Not with Annie mind you but with my husband. It's a lengthy process. My apt. was at 11am..Victor had to be at work at 12. So, I had to get up at 7:30, bathe both boys, pack the diaper bag, pick out their outfits(complete with diaper, socks and shoes), iron them and lay them out. I do all of this because my husband gets overwhelmed sometimes when I'm not here so I try to make his job as easy as possible.

As I am sitting in the chair waiting for my color to process--in walks my husband with my children. He was dropping them with me so he could go to work. I look down, and my son doesn't have on socks or shoes!! I turn to my husband looking for an explanation and his reply is, "Oh, I forgot." Are you kidding me??!! They were laying on TOP of his outfit. How could he not see them?! It's hilarious... he tries so hard. My poor husband.

I'll give him props because he does do a great job...I'm thankful for him. Even if my kids never match!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Never say Never!

I love my boys...they are precious. It's hilarious to me the things you say you will NEVER do as a mother. I am doing all of those things now. Here are just a few of the things I said I would never do:

1. I will NEVER dance around my house singing songs by characters such as Barney, Little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse, Doodlebops or anything that comes on the Disney channel for that matter.
TRUTH: Guilty! I am being totally honest when I say that I never get to watch TV. My TV channels range from Disney, to ABC Family, to cartoon network and back again. Sadly, I love this part of my life now. I dance around the house like a mad woman singing, "I love you, you love me.." Bryce dances and sings with me. It's so much fun. Pretty soon Britton will be doing it with us. These are the memories that will last a lifetime. We even videotape these things so that we'll have something to show their future wives! =)

2. I said that I would NEVER drive a minivan. I thought that mom's who drove minivans were deprived and I actually felt sorry for them.
TRUTH: I want a minivan!!! heard me...I (Rachel Little Marquez) want a minivan. Laugh if you want but those things are the best things ever. I have been so frustrated with my car. It isn't big enough!! I can't put my kids, my double stroller and my groceries in the same vehicle. I long for the day when I can tote around all my children and groceries and even a friend or two! I can't tell you how many meltdowns I've had in the grocery store parking lot trying to fit everything in. I find myself actually feeling a little jealous when "soccer mom" drives by in a minivan...WOW! I've come a long way haven't I?

3. I said that I would NEVER put myself on the back burner for my kids.
TRUTH: Well, it's true. It happens when you don't even realize it. Not overnight mind you, one day at a time. The motherhood fairy creeps up on you and zaps you with her little wand and it's over----it's no longer about you---it's about those little ones. I told myself even as a pregnant lady that I would still shop and those cute places, I would still get my pedicures, I would continue to keep myself looking beautiful no matter what. It doesn't happen. I no longer have time for myself--to even think about what I need. And honestly, I am okay with that. My boys are the most important thing in my life.

4. I said I would NEVER allow my children to have a pacifier past their 1st birthday. (I said this because I used to thing it looked so terrible to see a toddler toting around a pacifier)
TRUTH: Bryce is approaching 2 years old and guess what?? He still has his pacifier!!! Okay-I admit it...I was WAY wrong about this one. The pacifier has been nothing short of a miracle in times of need. First of all, I am thankful for the pacifier when we are in a public place and my son is screaming to the top of his lungs! Pop that thing in his mouth and he's happy as he can be! It's almost cute how it has become a companion to him (along with his favorite blankie). My husband hates the pacifier and has said over and over again that we need to "get rid of it." My response to him is that he doesn't stay home with the kiddos so he doesn't realize how awesome this little pacifier can be. I know I need to break him of it soon--but now is not the time.

5. Finally--the worst of all: I said that my kids would never be "bad."
TRUTH: My, how the Lord has taught me otherwise. How stupid I was to even utter those words. Every time Victor and I would be somewhere and a child would act up causing a scene I would say, " Our kids are not going to do that....I won't allow it." I can't tell you how many times I regret saying that. Mainly because Bryce has challenged my patience in this area more times than I can count. We've been through the screaming in public stage( still there at times), the throwing a fit stage (sometimes even throwing our self on the floor and causing bodily harm to get our point across). I've come to the realization that it's going to happen so might as well make the best of it. I have to say that Bryce has gotten a lot better. He had a rough time adjusting to a new brother but now he loves him.

Well...that's my list. The moral of the story is---never say never! When I look back at this list of things I am reminded that the Lord has a sense of humor. My life is a perfect example of that.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Not alot to chat about...

Not much to post today. I'm off to a friends baby shower. My mom is watching the kids for me. This should be fun! Have a blessed day everyone!!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Ugly cupcakes

I know I know.. it's my second post of the day. Well what can I say? I have alot to rant about I guess.

So, tonight is our church's Christmas party. I am supposed to bring a dessert. Well I bought cupcake mix, icing, foil holders, sprinkles, eggs and the most adorable candy Santas to put on top. I follow the directions acurately, watch the oven so they don't burn and what happens? They turn out terrible! They have got to be the ugliest cupcakes I've ever seen. Honestly, at this point, I'm just going to have to stop by the store on the way there and buy something to take. My mom suggested I just put it on a Christmas tray so it will "look" like it was homeade. Not such a good idea in my mind because when someone asks if I made it what am I going to do? LIE??!! I think not!

Oh well....just another RUINED attempt at baking to add to my list. Whoa is me..

The stress of Motherhood

I feel like such a heel even posting I am feeling the stresses of motherhood. Sometimes I just want to pull my hair out! I attempted to go grocery shopping today. Bryce is at Mother's Day Out (which is a lifesaver!) and I took Britton with me to the store. I hardly got in the door when Britton started fussing. I tried putting the pacifier in his mouth---didn't work. He kept getting louder and louder. I felt an immediate panic attack coming as people were staring at me. I normally handle this very well but this has been such a stressful week...I felt the tears coming on. I wanted to throw the biggest grown-up fit you've ever seen. Not just because my child was crying ( come on- I'm a big girl, I can handle that) but more so because it was the straw that broke the camels back. I just left my cart and walked out of the store.

Don't get me wrong, my children are a blessing from the Lord---but there are times when throwing a fit just seems appropriate. I'm sure all you mom's can relate.