I love my boys...they are precious. It's hilarious to me the things you say you will NEVER do as a mother. I am doing all of those things now. Here are just a few of the things I said I would never do:
1. I will NEVER dance around my house singing songs by
characters such as Barney, Little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse,
Doodlebops or anything that comes on the Disney channel for that matter.
TRUTH: Guilty! I am being totally honest when I say that I never get to watch TV. My TV channels range from Disney, to ABC Family, to cartoon network and back again. Sadly, I love this part of my life now. I dance around the house like a mad woman singing, "I love you, you love me.." Bryce dances and sings with me. It's so much fun. Pretty soon
Britton will be doing it with us. These are the memories that will last a lifetime. We even videotape these things so that we'll have something to show their future wives! =)
2. I said that I would NEVER drive a minivan. I thought that mom's who drove minivans were deprived and I actually felt sorry for them.
TRUTH: I want a minivan!!! Yep....you heard me...I (Rachel Little Marquez) want a minivan. Laugh if you want but those things are the best things ever. I have been so frustrated with my car. It isn't big enough!! I can't put my kids, my double stroller and my groceries in the same vehicle. I long for the day when I can tote around all my children and groceries and even a friend or two! I can't tell you how many meltdowns I've had in the grocery store parking lot trying to fit everything in. I find myself actually feeling a little jealous when "soccer mom" drives by in a minivan...WOW! I've come a long way haven't I?
3. I said that I would NEVER put myself on the
back burner for my kids.
TRUTH: Well, it's true. It happens when you don't even realize it. Not overnight mind you, one day at a time. The motherhood fairy creeps up on you and zaps you with her little wand and it's over----it's no longer about you---it's about those little ones. I told myself even as a pregnant lady that I would still shop and those cute places, I would still get my pedicures, I would continue to keep myself looking beautiful no matter what. It doesn't happen. I no longer have time for myself--to even think about what I need. And honestly, I am okay with that. My boys are the most important thing in my life.
4. I said I would NEVER allow my children to have a pacifier past their 1st birthday. (I said this because I used to thing it looked so terrible to see a toddler toting around a pacifier)
TRUTH: Bryce is approaching 2 years old and guess what?? He still has his pacifier!!! Okay-I admit it...I was WAY wrong about this one. The pacifier has been nothing short of a miracle in times of need. First of all, I am thankful for the pacifier when we are in a public place and my son is
screaming to the top of his lungs! Pop that thing in his mouth and he's happy as he can be! It's almost cute how it has become a companion to him (along with his favorite
blankie). My husband hates the pacifier and has said over and over again that we need to "get rid of it." My response to him is that he doesn't stay home with the kiddos so he doesn't realize how awesome this little pacifier can be. I know I need to break him of it soon--but now is not the time.
5. Finally--the worst of all: I said that my kids would never be "bad."
TRUTH: My, how the Lord has taught me otherwise. How stupid I was to even utter those words.
Every time Victor and I would be somewhere and a child would act up causing a scene I would say, " Our kids are not going to do that....I won't allow it." I can't tell you how many times I regret saying that. Mainly because Bryce has challenged my patience in this area more times than I can count. We've been through the screaming in public stage( still there at times), the throwing a fit stage (sometimes even throwing
our self on the floor and causing bodily harm to get our point across). I've come to the realization that it's going to happen so might as well make the best of it. I have to say that Bryce has gotten
a lot better. He had a rough time adjusting to a new brother but now he loves him.
Well...that's my list. The moral of the story is---never say never! When I look back at this list of things I am reminded that the Lord has a sense of humor. My life is a perfect example of that.