Thursday, February 14, 2008

So many things going on

Hello All.

It's been a while since my last post...sorry. Many things are going on. Let's start with Bryce. He is growing so big!! He talks in sentences!! Yes you heard me...sentences! His first sentence was, "Momma, I boke (broke) it!" It was precious. He's advancing at an alarming rate and I am just not ready for him to be a big boy yet! He says, "moon", "mammal" (apple), "koo-el" (school), "gape" (grape), "cokra" (okra), "luh-u" (love you), "I saw-e" ( I sorry), "Yeah-pam" (yes mam) and so many other adorable things. It's so cute to hear try to have an entire conversation with me his language! I love it!

Then there's little Mr. Britton. He's a big boy too! He's 5 and 1/2 months now and he can smile, laugh, coo, roll over and even scoot! And this past week we started cereal! Big boy food.. it was a little rough at the beginning. But, he's getting the hang of it! He makes the biggest mess but it's okay.

But as of right now, Bryce is laying in his bed crying and I am waiting for the on-call doctor to call back...they take forever. He has something wrong with his eyes. I think it's an infection and I have no idea where he got it. A little girl in his Sunday school class had it a few weeks ago but I'm pretty sure she was clear of it before she came back to church. Anyhow, it's like mucus in his eyes. He can hardly open them. It wasn't that bad when he went to bed but he woke up crying and it's so bad he cannot open his eyes.. I feel so bad for him. I wanted to take him to the ER but dad says I should just wait until morning. My response is that he isn't sleeping because he is miserable so thus we won't sleep much because it's highly likely he'll keep us (me) up. And I don't want him to suffer all night long and be in pain. But as I type this, dad is already back sound asleep as only a father could do!! Thank goodness for mother's!!

I must go now and await the call of whichever doctor that calls us back. Maybe they can call him in a perscriptoin. Just pray that none of us, especially Brit gets this.


Rachel said...

poor little guy...sounds a lot like pink eye. my big girls have had it before. once you start the drops it will clear up pretty fast. i'm so glad you left a comment with your blog link now i can come and visit you. :0)


p.s. love your name, it's so pretty ... haha.

Rachel said...

hey rach thanks for stopping by...i don't think i really kept my girls away from others...oops! no really i think once you start the drops your okay. hope your little guy is all better soon!