Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Poopy day...literally

Well, this has to be one of the worst days I've had in a while.. here is how it started..

I wake up this morning to a MOUND of laundry to do. I have to help my husband get out the door to work--he was running late which generally adds more stress than needed. My nieces stayed the night last night and my oldest niece- Shelby informs me that she needs to be at the movie theatre by 12:30 because her Sunday school class is seeing a movie today...when she tells me this it's 11:56. Great! So, I rush around the house, pack the diaper bag, dress the baby--then I go into the living room to get Bryce out of the playpen and I smell something---then, I see something!! It's poop! And it's all over the playpen, and all over Bryce! He had dug into his diaper and played with his poop. I threw myself on the couch and screamed with a pillow over my face to release some of the tension. My nieces laughed because they thought it was funny...guess I'd laugh too if I was 8 and 11 years old.

So I get him cleaned up and change his clothes--by this time it's 12:15. I throw the kids in the car( not literally--don't call CPS!) and rush down the road. I had been driving for 5 minutes when I hear and beeping noise. It's my temp. gage in my car and it's WAY overheated! It is making weird noises and not wanting to run. I pull over in the Hobby Lobby parking lot and I was stuck. There I was, no bra, no deodorant, in my PJ's and smeared mascara under my eyes. I was a wreck! I was sitting there in the heat, no air with my kids screaming trying to figure out what I was going to do.

My mom saved the day. She came and got us and Shelby made it to the movies on time. My car is still broken down.. not sure what is wrong with it or what it is going to cost to fix it. My first instinct is to be angry...but, all is well and the Lord has seen us through another "poopy" day!


Anonymous said...

COMPLETELY understand where you're coming from. Hope the rest of the week is better and you hear good news on the van.

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl!

I hope today was better for you!

Thinking of you :)

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chrystal! Thanks for the comments! How are you doing?

Mandy--I knew you would understand!!